SSL/TLS with Let’s Encrypt, mac OS and Arvixe

Use brew to install certbot:

brew install certbot

run certbot in manual mode

sudo certbot certonly --manual

Enter your domain name(s) using comas to separate them:,

Say yes when asked if you are OK with your IP being logged. You should then see something like that:

Make sure your web server displays the following content at before continuing:


Log in to your arvixe server, for instance using ssh but using cpanel file manager works too. Create a folder named ‘.well-known’ at the root of your web directory (typically /home/YOURARVIXEUSERNAME/public_html), then create a subdirectory named ‘acme-challenge’. you should now be able to navigate to it:

cd /home/YOURARVIXEUSERNAME/public_html/.well-known/acme-challenge/

create a file named pTcxG03iF-qLqp_ysuperlongcode (name as provided by certbot), and in it paste the text provided by certbot (pTcxG03iF-qLqp_superlongcode.u_superlongCoDe-fPA7NEJ-SuperLongCode). Go back to certbot and press Enter. Your cert should now be created.

Go to cpanel, security section, click on SSL/TLS:

arvixe security section, choose SSL/TLS

In ‘Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS)’ section, click on ‘Manage SSL sites’.

Choose your domain.

In ‘Certificate: (CRT)’ paste the information that you can find in cert.pem file (should be in: /etc/letsencrypt/live/

In ‘Private Key (KEY)’ section paste the information in privkey.pem (should be in: /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Press the ‘install certificate’ button, et voila!

If you want to automate it, you may want to have a look to that page.


  1. I had a paid cert on my Arvixe website but it has expired. I am still paying for a dedicated IP. Now the SSL/TLS icon no longer shows on my cPanel! What has Arvixe done now??

    1. I have never bought an SSL cert from Arvixe, as I use letsencrypt as a certificate provider. But, if your certificate expired, you either need to get a new one from arvixe ( they may charge you for that, I don’t know, this is up to what you bought from them) or, you can use a free letsencrypt certificate and install it on your arvixe hosted website.

      1. The SSL/TLS icon no longer shows on my cPanel at Arvixe. Is it still there for you?

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